・Kochi yosakoi matsuri
Yosakoi is a very energetic Japanese festival dance and the festival in Kochi(on Shikoku) is the biggest of its kind(Yosakoi originated in Kochi). Even though it's held in August, which means it's sweltering hot(especially for the dancers) both the dancers and the audience get a lot of energy from the dances that can be enjoyed/participated in by people of all ages!
My favourite yosakoi team is 突風(toppu) from Nagasaki University. They don't perform at the Kochi festival but they go to many festivals on Kyushu and according to some, they are Kyushu's best yosakoi team!
If you ever happen to come to the Netherlands, feel free to come to Leiden to dance with my yosakoi team 雷電(Raiden) we're all students of Japanese language & culture but anyone is welcome!
by Anne from Holland
オランダの都市、『Leiden』でよさこいチーム『雷電』ですって。anyone is welcome!(誰でも歓迎しますよ!)と、まあ社交辞令が含まれているのだとしても言ってますので、踊るお祭り好きの方は訪ねてみてはいかがでしょうか。
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